Introduction to Bioinformatics

Introduction to Bioinformatics
By Teresa Attwood, David Parry-Smith
Publisher: Benjamin Cummings
Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2001-05-30
Source: girro(QQ: 7450911)
ISBN-10: 0582327881
ISBN-13: 9780582327887
Binding: Paperback
Summary: Mediocre (but Chapter 3 is worth reading)
Rating: 3
Not really worth spending money and time. The price is way too much for a book of this volume. Authors spent too much writing on superficial (length of several paragraphs) introduction to various softwares and databases (e.g., database XXX is produced by YYY research center using ZZZ format, etc.).

Chapter 3 (Protein information resources), however, was worth reading. It presents good figures and tables on various patterns (e.g., pattern, profile, fingerprint, HMM, block) in protein structure.

Also, no errata information is provided from publisher.


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