Finance and Financiers in European History 1880-1960

Finance and Financiers in European History 1880-1960
Youssef Cassis (Editor)

Book Description
Publication Date: January 31, 1992 | ISBN-10: 0521400244 | ISBN-13: 9780521400244

In this major "state of the art" survey, a highly distinguished team of contributors addresses the complex and crucial role of finance in European history during the period 1880-1960. Throughout the volume a global and comparative perspective is used in the analysis of a problem that may in fact be perceived at four different, although interrelated levels. Firstly, the economic: What was the weight of the financial sector in a given economy? Secondly, the social: What was the specific position of the financial elites in society? Thirdly, the political: What was the impact of financial interests in politics? And finally the international: the establishment and gradual erosion of Europe's position as the "world's banker." The range of both subjects and authors is truly international, and Finance and Financiers will make a powerful contribution to an area of historical debate that is of very great current interest.