Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management
by: John Ericson A. Policarpio (Author)
Publisher: Toronto Academic Press
Publication Date: 2024/1/10
Language: English
Print Length: 279 pages
ISBN-10: 1774697211
ISBN-13: 9781774697214

Book Description
Human resource management is a strategic and comprehensive approach that helps to manage people and the work culture and environment. This textbook delves into the theory and practice of managing people in organizations. It covers topics such as recruitment, selection, training, compensation, performance management, and employee relations. This book is an essential resource for students and professionals seeking to improve their understanding of human resource management.

About the Author
Human resource management is a strategic and comprehensive approach that helps to manage people and the work culture and environment. This textbook delves into the theory and practice of managing people in organizations. It covers topics such as recruitment, selection, training, compensation, performance management, and employee relations. This book is an essential resource for students and professionals seeking to improve their understanding of human resource management.


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