Verdict on Vichy

Verdict on Vichy
by: Michael Curtis (Author)
Publisher: Phoenix Press
Publication Date: 2004/1/1
Language: English
Print Length: 416 pages
ISBN-10: 1842126695
ISBN-13: 9781842126691

Book Description
Michael Curtis uses up-to-date research to examine the degree to which ministers and officials of the Vichy regime, the legal and administrative system, the Church, and individuals in different walks of life collaborated with Nazi Germany which occupied part of and then all of France between 1940 and 1944. Curtis reviews the careers, indictments and trials of the regime's prominent figures for crimes against humanity committed during the war, and scrutinises the ambivalent role of Francois Mitterrand as a Vichy official. This book also analyses the new official reports of the complex aryanisation process as well as the requisitioning of Jewish goods and property.

About the Author
Michael Curtis uses up-to-date research to examine the degree to which ministers and officials of the Vichy regime, the legal and administrative system, the Church, and individuals in different walks of life collaborated with Nazi Germany which occupied part of and then all of France between 1940 and 1944. Curtis reviews the careers, indictments and trials of the regime's prominent figures for crimes against humanity committed during the war, and scrutinises the ambivalent role of Francois Mitterrand as a Vichy official. This book also analyses the new official reports of the complex aryanisation process as well as the requisitioning of Jewish goods and property.


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