Campbell Biology: Australian and New Zealand Version 12th Edition

Campbell Biology: Australian and New Zealand Version 12E
by: Lisa A. Urry (Author)
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Pearson Education Australia (October 17, 2021)
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1488626243
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 9781488626241

Book Description
Lisa A. Urry, Noel Meyers, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Rebecca Orr, Karen Burke Da Silva, Ann Parkinson, Lesley LLuka, Prasad Chunduri

1 Evolution, the Themes of Biology, and Scientific Inquiry 2

Unit 1 The Chemistry of Life 27

2 The Chemical Context of Life 28

3 Water and Life 44

4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life 58

5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules 68

Unit 2 The Cell 94

6 A Tour of the Cell 95

7 Membrane Structure and Function 128

8 An Introduction to Metabolism 145

9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 166

10 Photosynthesis 189

11 Cell Communication 214

12 The Cell Cycle 236

Unit 3 Genetics 255

13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles 256

14 Mendel and the Gene Idea 271

15 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance 296

16 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance 316

17 Gene Expression: From Gene to Protein 337

18 Regulation of Gene Expression 367

19 Viruses 400

20 DNA Tools and Biotechnology 419

21 Genomes and Their Evolution 446

Unit 4 Mechanisms of Evolution 471

22 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life 472

23 The Evolution of Populations 491

24 The Origin of Species 513

25 The History of Life on Earth 533

Unit 5 The Evolutionary History of Biological Diversity 577

26 Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 578

27 Bacteria and Archaea 598

28 Protists 618

29 Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonised Land 643

30 Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants 663

31 Fungi 689

32 An Overview of Animal Diversity 710

33 An Introduction to Invertebrates 725

34 The Origin and Evolution of Vertebrates 757

Unit 6 Plant Form and Function 798

35 Vascular Plant Structure, Growth, and Development 799

36 Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants 825

37 Soil and Plant Nutrition 846
38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology 871

39 Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals 891

Unit 7 Animal Form and Function 921

40 Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function 922

41 Animal Nutrition 947

42 Circulation and Gas Exchange 970

43 The Immune System 1002

44 Osmoregulation and Excretion 1027

45 Hormones and the Endocrine System 1049

46 Animal Reproduction 1069

47 Animal Development 1095

48 Neurons, Synapses, and Signalling 1119

49 Nervous Systems 1137

50 Sensory and Motor Mechanisms 1159

51 Animal Behaviour 1191

Unit 8 Ecology 921

52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere 1219

53 Population Ecology 1250

54 Community Ecology 1278

55 Ecosystems and Restoration Ecology 1302

56 Conservation Biology and Global Change 1328


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