Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications 8th Edition

Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications Eighth Edition
by: John R. Anderson
Publisher: Worth Publishers; Eighth edition (October 8, 2014)
Language: English
Hardcover: 406 pages
ISBN-10: 1464148910
ISBN-13: 9781464148910

Book Description

About the Author
John Robert Anderson is Richard King Mellon Professor of Psychology
and Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is known for developing
ACT-R, which is the most widely used cognitive architecture in cognitive science.
Anderson was also an early leader in research on intelligent tutoring systems,
and computer systems based on his cognitive tutors currently teach mathematics
to about 500,000 children in American schools. He has served as President of
the Cognitive Science Society, and has been elected to the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American
Philosophical Society. He has received numerous scientific awards including the
American Psychological Association’s Distinguished Scientific Career Award, the
David E. Rumelhart Prize for Contributions to the Formal Analysis of Human
Cognition, and the inaugural Dr. A. H. Heineken Prize for Cognitive Science. He
is completing his term as editor of the prestigious Psychological Review.

Table of contents
Preface xvii
Chapter 1
The Science of Cognition 1
Chapter 2
Perception 27
Chapter 3
Attention and Performance 53
Chapter 4
Mental Imagery 78
Chapter 5
Representation of Knowledge 97
Chapter 6
Human Memory: Encoding and Storage 124
Chapter 7
Human Memory: Retention and Retrieval 150
Chapter 8
Problem Solving 181
Chapter 9
Expertise 210
Chapter 10
Reasoning 237
Chapter 11
Decision Making 260
Chapter 12
Language Structure 281
Chapter 13
Language Comprehension 313
Chapter 14
Individual Differences in Cognition 338
Glossary 365
References 373
Name Index 393
Subject Index 399页面提取自-Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications 8th Edition 9781464148910.pdf (访问密码:142857)


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