Big Money Thinks Small: Biases, Blind Spots, and Smarter Investing

Big Money Thinks Small: Biases, Blind Spots, and Smarter Investing (Columbia Business School Publishing)
by: Joel Tillinghast
Publisher: Columbia Business School Publishing; Reprint edition (February 18, 2020)
Language: English
Paperback: 312 pages
ISBN-10: 023117571X
ISBN-13: 9780231175715

Book Description
Editorial Reviews
Tillinghast has built an outstanding investment record over three decades by: being smart and disciplined. Now, all of us can benefit from his hard-won wisdom and perceptive insights, which are found on literally every page of this fine book. -- Seth A. Klarman, Portfolio Manager and CEO, The Baupost Group, LLC
For decades I have admired and learned from Joel Tillinghast’s extraordinary investment prowess. Whether you are a professional or an individual investor, you will be a better investor after reading and absorbing the wisdom in this book. -- Bill Miller, founder and CIO, Miller Value Partners
Tillinghast provides a very useful checklist of the required due diligence of investments, the tenets of value investing, the need to more carefully understand the culture and rule of law of foreign countries before investing in them, and how to stay within your circle of competence. -- David Kass, University of Maryland
Written for investors at all levels, this practical, no-nonsense guide . . . empower[s] readers to generate their own informed decisions. ― Publishers Weekly
Tillinghast’s book is a cornucopia of investing wisdom, some acquired as a result of the inevitable mistakes, which he readily shares. ―
[This book] is an intelligent guide to stock selection and investment that deserves a place on everyone's bookshelf, whether they work in the City or just want to find some shares to put into their Isa. ― MoneyWeek
Named one of the five best books of 2017 ― Money Week
What could look like anecdotes and unrelated points come together to form a valuable approach to’s a collection of investment wisdom. I’ll certainly re-read many passages of this book over and over again. Highly recommended for seasoned investors. ― Strictly Value

About the Author
Joel Tillinghast is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder and thirty-six-year veteran of the investments industry. He has been the manager of the Fidelity® Low-Priced Stock Fund since 1989.

Table of contents:
Sleight of mind
It's a mad, mad world
Silly human tricks: decision biases
Gamblers, speculators, and investors
Types of money minds
Blind spots
Spotting toxic ingredients
It's the simple life tor me
Thinking small
Bulls in the china shop
Honest, capable fiduciaries
Dare to be great! or, distinctive character
Bang for the buck
Do the bad guys wear black hats?
Shipping bricks and other accounting riddles
Live long and prosper
Figure the terminal value is zero
Oil slicks and gushers
Tech stocks and science fiction
How much debt is too much?
What's it worth?
Discounting future returns
Which earnings number?
The art of judging value
Double bubble trouble
Two paradigms
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