Toxic Tourism: Rhetorics of Pollution, Travel, and Environmental Justice

Toxic Tourism: Rhetorics of Pollution, Travel, and Environmental Justice
by: Phaedra Carmen Pezzullo
Paperback: 280 pages
ISBN-10: 0817355871
ISBN-13: 9780817355876
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 9 inches
Publisher: University Alabama Press; First Edition (May 10, 2009)
Language: English

Book Description
Pezullo's topic and approach are as fresh as her subject matter is fetid. . . . Her exposure of corporate cooptation of environmentalism ('astroturfing') is eloquent. The discussion of AstraZeneca's manufacturing cycle of making cancer causing herbicides, cancer treatment drugs, and sponsorship of Breast Cancer Awareness is revelatory and awful. . . . Pezullo throws the political work of the tour into sharp relief, not merely toxic tours, but potentially all tours. This is excellent work because it points to the possibility of a more active and engaged type of tourism as opposed to a passive and alienated one.
—Dean MacCannell, author of The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class

A very stimulating read. I find myself wanting to bring Toxic Tourism up in conversations, and I'm resisting the temptation to share chapters 2 and 3 early. . . . I can't think of another book that presents the modified ethnographic approach used by Pezullo so explicitly. It would be a wonderful textbook for a graduate course in qualitative research methods.
—Tarla Peterson, author of Sharing the Earth: The Rhetoric of Sustainable Development

About the Author
Phaedra C. Pezullo is Assistant Professor of Communication and Culture at Indiana University and coeditor, with Ronald Sandler, of Environmental Justice and Environmentalism: Assessing the Social Justice Challenge to the Environmental Movement.


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