The Practice of Computing Using Python (3rd Edition) 3rd Edition
by: William F. Punch,Richard Enbody
Paperback: 912 pages
ISBN-10: 0134379764
ISBN-13: 9780134379760
Product Dimensions: 9 x 7.3 x 1.1 inches
Publisher: Pearson; 3rd Edition (March 10, 2016)
Language: English
Book Description
For courses in Python Programming
Introduces Python programming with an emphasis on problem-solving
Now in its Third Edition, Practice of Computing Using Python continues to introduce both majors and non-majors taking CS1 courses to computational thinking using Python, with a strong emphasis on problem solving through computer science. The authors have chosen Python for its simplicity, powerful built-in data structures, advanced control constructs, and practicality. The text is built from the ground up for Python programming, rather than having been translated from Java or C++.
Focusing on data manipulation and analysis as a theme, the text allows students to work on real problems using Internet-sourced or self-generated data sets that represent their own work and interests. The authors also emphasize program development and provide both majors and non-majors with a practical foundation in programming that will be useful in their respective fields. Among other changes, the Third Edition incorporates a switch to the Anaconda distribution, the SPYDER IDE, and a focus on debugging and GUIs.
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