The Clinician’s Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, 2nd Edition

The Clinician’s Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, 2nd Edition
Author: Christine A. Padesky, Dennis Greenberger
Pages: 488 pages
Edition: S
Language: English
Publisher: The Guilford Press
Publication Date: 2020-04-06
ISBN-10: 1462542581
ISBN-13: 9781462542581

Book Description
This authoritative guide has been completely revised and expanded with over 90% new material in a new step-by-step format. It details how, when, and why therapists can make best use of each chapter in Mind Over Mood, Second Edition (MOM2) in individual, couple, and group therapy. Christine A. Padesky's extensive experience as a CBT innovator, clinician, teacher, and consultant is reflected in compelling therapist–client dialogues that vividly illustrate core CBT interventions and management of challenging dilemmas. Fully updated, the book offers research-based guidance on the use of MOM2 to treat anxiety disorders, depression, anger, guilt, shame, relationship problems, and personality disorders. Invaluable therapy tips, real-life scenarios, and troubleshooting guides in each chapter make this the essential MOM2 companion for novice and experienced therapists alike. Reproducible Reading Guides show how to sequence MOM2 chapters to target specific moods. First edition title: Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood.
New to This Edition
*Detailed instructions on how, when, and why to use each of MOM2’s 60 worksheets.
*Expanded coverage of effective use of thought records, behavioral experiments, and imagery.
*Shows how to flexibly tailor MOM2 to address particular anxiety disorders, using distinct principles and protocols.
*Incorporates evidence-based practices from positive psychology, motivational interviewing, and acceptance and commitment therapy.
*Updated practice guidelines throughout, based on current clinical research.
*More content on using MOM2 for therapist self-study and in training programs and classrooms.
See also Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think.15-The Guilford Press The Clinicians Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood 2nd Edition 9781462542581.pdf


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