Principles of Seismology 2nd Edition

Principles of Seismology 2nd Edition
by Agustín Udías,Elisa Buforn
Hardcover: 558 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (January 12, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1107138698
ISBN-13: 9781107138698

Table of contents:
1. Seismology. The science of earthquakes
2. Earthquakes, Earth's structure and dynamics
3. Instrumentation and digital data processing
4. Basic concepts and equations of an elastic medium
5. Waves in an infinite elastic medium
6. Reflection and refraction
7. Body wave propagation in layered media
8. Ray theory. Media of constant velocity
9. Ray theory media of variable velocity
10. Ray theory spherical media
11. Travel times and the structure of the Earth
12. Surface waves
13. Wave dispersion. Phase and group velocities
14. Free oscillations of the Earth. Theory and observations
15. Anelasticity and anisotropy
16. Focal parameters of earthquakes
17. Basic theory of earthquake mechanism
18. The seismic moment tensor
19. Simple models of fracture
20. Methods of determination of source mechanisms
21. Seismicity, seismotectonics, seismic risk, and prediction.
15-Principles of Seismology 2nd Edition 9781107138698.pdf


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