Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, 8th Edition Authors: Warren C. Young - Richard G Budynas - Ali M. Sadegh ISBN-10: 0071742476 ISBN-13: 9780071742474 Edition: 8 Released: 2011-12-19 Hardcover: 1072 pages List Price Book Description THE MOST COMPLETE, UP-TO-DATE GUIDE TO STRESS AND STRAIN FORMULAS Fully revised throughout, Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, Eighth Edition, provides accurate and thorough tabulated formulations that can be applied to the stress analysis of a comprehensive range of structural components. All equations and diagrams of structural properties are presented in an easy-to-use, thumb, through format. This extensively updated edition contains new chapters on fatigue and fracture mechanics, stresses in fasteners and joints, composite materials, and biomechanics. Several chapters have been expanded and new topics have been added. Each chapter now concludes with a summary of tables and formulas for ease of reference. This is the definitive resource for designers, engineers, and analysts who need to calculate stress and strain management. ROARK'S FORMULAS FOR STRESS AND STRAIN, EIGHTH EDITION, COVERS: Behavior of bodies under stress Principles and analytical methods Numerical and experimental methods Tension, compression, shear, and combined stress Beams; flexure of straight bars Bending of curved beams Torsion Flat plates Columns and other compression members Shells of revolution; pressure vessels; pipes Bodies in contact undergoing direct bearing and shear stress Elastic stability Dynamic and temperature stresses Stress concentration factors Fatigue and fracture mechanics Stresses in fasteners and joints Composite materials Biomechanics Table of contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Stress And Strain: Important Relationships Chapter 3 The Behavior Of Bodies Under Stress Chapter 4 Principles And Analytical Methods Chapter 5 Numerical Methods Chapter 6 Experimental Methods Chapter 7 Tension, Compression, Shear, And Combined Stress Chapter 8 Beams; Flexure Of Straight Bars Chapter 9 Curved Beams Chapter 10 Torsion Chapter 11 Flat Plates Chapter 12 Columns And Other Compression Members Chapter 13 Shells Of Revolution; Pressure Vessels; Pipes Chapter 14 Bodies Under Direct Bearing And Shear Stress Chapter 15 Elastic Stability Chapter 16 Dynamic And Temperature Stresses Chapter 17 Stress Concentration Chapter 18 Fatigue And Fracture Chapter 19 Stresses In Fasteners And Joints Chapter 20 Composite Materials Chapter 21 Solid Biomechanics Appendix A: Properties Of A Plane Area Appendix B: Mathematical Formulas And Matrices Appendix C: Glossary 页面提取自-Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain, 8th Edition 9780071742474.pdf (访问密码: 1024) 资源下载资源下载价格10元立即购买 1111 未经允许不得转载:电子书百科大全 » Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, 8th Edition
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