Physics, 4th Edition


by James S. Walker
Hardcover: 1248 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 4 edition (6 Jan. 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 032161111X
ISBN-13: 9780321611116

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Table of contents
PART I: Mechanics
Chapter 2: One-Dimensional Kinematics
Chapter 3: Vectors in Physics
Chapter 4: Two-Dimensional Kinematics
Chapter 5: Newton's Laws of Motion
Chapter 6: Applications of Newton's Laws
Chapter 7: Work and Kinetic Energy
Chapter 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
Chapter 9: Linear Momentum and Collisions
Chapter 10: Rotational Kinematics and Energy
Chapter 11: Rotational Dynamics and Static Equilibrium
Chapter 12: Gravity
Chapter 13: Oscillations About Equilibrium
Chapter 14: Waves and Sound
Chapter 15: Fluids

PART II: Thermal Physics
Chapter 16: Temperature and Heat
Chapter 17: Phase and Phase Changes
Chapter 18: The Laws of Thermodynamics

PART III: Electromagnetism
Chapter 19: Electric Charges, Forces, and Fields
Chapter 20: Electric Potential and Electric Potential Energy
Chapter 21: Electric Current and Direct-Current Circuits
Chapter 22: Magnetism
Chapter 23: Magnetic Flux and Faraday’s Law of Induction
Chapter 24: Alternating-Current Circuits

PART IV: Light and Optics
Chapter 25: Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter 26: Geometrical Optics
Chapter 27: Optical Instruments
Chapter 28: Physical Optics: Interference and Diffraction

PART V: Modern Physics
Chapter 29: Relativity
Chapter 30: Quantum Physics
Chapter 31: Atomic Physics
Chapter 32: Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Radiation

Appendix A: Basic Mathematical Tools
Appendix B: Typical Values
Appendix C: Planetary Data
Appendix D: Elements of Electrical Circuits
Appendix E: Periodic Table of the Elements
Appendix F: Properties of Selected Isotopes
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