Physical Chemistry: Quanta, Matter, and Change Authors: Peter Atkins - Julio de Paula - Ron Friedman ISBN-10: 1464108749 ISBN-13: 9781464108747 Edition: 2 Released: 2014-01-01 Hardcover: 782 pages Book Description This engaging alternative pathway through the physical chemistry course is for instructors who prefer to start with quantum mechanics, then introduce statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. The new edition helps students even further by reorganizing its coverage into a series of brief "Topics" divided into "Focus" sections. There is also greatly expanded support for students who struggle with the mathematics require for the course. Table of contents F1 Foundations F2 The principles of quantum mechanics F3 The quantum mechanics of motion F4 Approximation methods F5 Atomic structure and spectra F6 Molecular structure F7 Molecular symmetry F8 Interactions F9 Molecular spectroscopy F10 Magnetic resonance F11 Statistical thermodynamics F12 The First Law of thermodynamics F13 The Second and Third Laws of thermodynamics F14 Physical equilibria F15 Chemical equilibria F16 Molecular motion F17 Chemical kinetics F18 Reaction dynamics F19 Processes in fluid systems F20 Processes on solid surfaces 预览-Physical Chemistry Quanta Matter and Change 2nd Edition 1464108749.pdf 资源下载资源下载价格10元立即购买 1111 未经允许不得转载:电子书百科大全 » Physical Chemistry: Quanta, Matter, and Change, 2nd Edition
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