An Introduction to Physical Science, 14th Edition

An Introduction to Physical Science:

An Introduction to Physical Science:
Authors: James Shipman
ISBN-10: 1305079124
ISBN-13: 9781305079120
Edition: 14
Released: 2015
Format: Paperback

Book Description
Consistent with previous editions of AN INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL SCIENCE, the goal of the new Fourteenth Edition is to stimulate students' interest in and gain knowledge of the physical sciences. Presenting content in such a way that students develop the critical reasoning and problem-solving skills that are needed in an ever-changing technological world, the authors emphasize fundamental concepts as they progress through the five divisions of physical sciences: physics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, and geology. Ideal for a non-science major's course, topics are treated both descriptively and quantitatively, providing instructors the flexibility to emphasize whichever approach works best for their students.

Table of contents
Ch 1: Measurement
Ch 2: Motion
Ch 3: Force and Motion
Ch 4: Work and Energy
Ch 5: Temperature and Heat
Ch 6: Waves and Sound
Ch 7: Optics and Wave Effects
Ch 8: Electricity and Magnetism
Ch 9: Atomic Physics
Ch 10: Nuclear Physics
Ch 11: The Chemical Elements
Ch 12: Chemical Bonding
Ch 13: Chemical Reactions
Ch 14: Organic Chemistry
Ch 15: Place and Time
Ch 16: The Solar System
Ch 17: Moons and Small Solar System Bodies
Ch 18: The Universe
Ch 19: The Atmosphere
Ch 20: Atmospheric Effects
Ch 21: Structural Geology and Plate Tectonics
Ch 22: Minerals, Rocks, and Volcanoes
Ch 23: Surface Processes
Ch 24: Geologic Time

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