Practical Differential Diagnosis for CT and MRI

Practical Differential Diagnosis for CT and MRI

ISBN-10: 1588906558
ISBN-13: 9781588906557
Edition: 1st edition
Release: June 18, 2008
Paperback: 304 pages

Book Description
Practical Differential Diagnosis in CT and MRI is a one-stop resource for the differential diagnosis of common and rare radiologic findings and conditions in all regions of the body. For each finding and diagnosis, the book provides a complete list of differential diagnoses as well as the features that will help the clinician differentiate diseases with similar findings.Highlights: Concise descriptions aid the identification of key radiologic signs Easy-to-use tables and bullet-point lists facilitate rapid review of important information about findings, differentiating features, and disease entitiesThis pocket-sized book is ideal for residents preparing for board examinations as well as for radiologists in practice.


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