Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice

Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)

Authors: Nigel Meeson - John Kimbell
ISBN-10: 1843119439
ISBN-13: 9781843119432
Edition: 4
Release: August 1, 2011
Hardcover: 752 pages

Book Description
Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice is the definitive work on litigation in the Admiralty Court, providing in depth analysis and explanation of jurisdiction, practice and procedure, forms and precedents. It deals with several issues, not covered elsewhere, including the impact of insolvency, the interplay between the jurisdiction and practice, the series of rules on jurisdiction laid down by international conventions , limitation periods and collision action rules. The fourth edition has been updated comprehensively to include new case law and changes in Commercial Court practice and procedure. Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice is an invaluable reference source for anyone concerned with admiralty law.


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