Democracy and the Rule of Law in China

Democracy and the Rule of Law in China (Issues in Contemporary Chinese Thought and Culture)

Author: Yu Keping
ISBN-10: 9004182128
ISBN-13: 9789004182127
Release: May 20, 2010
Hardcover: 300 pages

Book Description
"Democracy and the Rule of Law in China" is intended to make available to English-language readers debates among prominent Chinese intellectuals and academics over issues of political, constitutional, and legal reform; modes of governance in urban and rural China; and culture and cultural policy. China s unprecedented economic development following the implementation of the Reform and Opening policy has drawn widespread international attention; yet accompanying political developments have been largely overlooked. A compilation of the works of twelve contemporary Chinese scholars, this book offers unique insights into the wealth of viewpoints and diversity of issues influencing and defining the development of democracy and the rule of law in China. Based on theoretical and practical analyses of China s political development to date, the authors propose specific models for the expansion of democratic mechanisms already present in the current political structure. Exploring topics ranging from autonomous village governance and grassroots elections to constitutional reform and judicial independence, the authors are unified on one point: China s political development must pursue a gradual, distinctly-Chinese course in order to promote social stability, continued economic advancement, and the establishment of a socialist democratic society.


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