Flash 10 Multiplayer Game Essentials
Author: Prashanth Hirematada
ISBN-10: 1847196608
ISBN-13: 9781847196606
Release: July 9, 2010
Paperback: 336 pages
List Price99
Book Description
The book provides all the essentials needed to implement a fully featured multiplayer game in Flash. It begins by dissecting a basic hello-world example providing its code and an insight into each feature that is required. Following the book is easy because of the excellent illustrations and working code samples. Four complete game implementations with increasing complexity are discussed; each example is presented with detailed design, implementation code, and screenshots. This book discusses essentials for beginner to intermediate Flash Developers who have perhaps created a game or two in Flash and want to take the next step, and create something that can be played by two or more players over the internet. This book will appeal to professional and amateur developers with an inclination to build synchronous multiplayer games with Flash. No prior knowledge of networking or server-side programming is required.
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