Reshaping Our National Parks and Their Guardians: The Legacy of George B. Hartzog Jr.

Reshaping Our National Parks and Their Guardians: The Legacy of George B. Hartzog Jr.

Author: Kathy Mengak
ISBN-10: 0826351085
ISBN-13: 9780826351081
Edition: First Edition
Release: April 15, 2012
Hardcover: 336 pages
List Price

Book Description
This biography of the seventh director of the National Park Service brings to life one of the most colorful, powerful, and politically astute people to hold this position. George B. Hartzog Jr. served during an exciting and volatile era in American history. Appointed in 1964 by Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, he benefited from a rare combination of circumstances that favored his vision, which was congenial with both President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" and Udall's robust environmentalism.Hartzog led the largest expansion of the National Park System in history and developed social programs that gave the Service new complexion. During his nine-year tenure, the system grew by seventy-two units totaling 2.7 million acres including not just national parks, but historical and archaeological monuments and sites, recreation areas, seashores, riverways, memorials, and cultural units celebrating minority experiences in America. In addition, Hartzog sought to make national parks relevant and responsive to the nation's changing needs.


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