Defining the Delta: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Lower Mississippi River Delta

Defining the Delta: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Lower Mississippi River Delta

Author: Janelle Collins
ISBN-10: 1557286884
ISBN-13: 9781557286888
Edition: 1
Release: November 15, 2015
Hardcover: 310 pages

Book Description
Inspired by the Arkansas Review’s “What Is the Delta?” series of articles, Defining the Delta collects fifteen essays from scholars in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities to describe and define this important region. Here are essays examining the Delta’s physical properties, boundaries, and climate from a geologist, archeologist, and environmental historian. The Delta is also viewed through the lens of the social sciences and humanities—historians, folklorists, and others studying the connection between the land and its people, in particular the importance of agriculture and the culture of the area, especially music, literature, and food. Every turn of the page reveals another way of seeing the seven-state region that is bisected by and dependent on the Mississippi River, suggesting ultimately that there are myriad ways of looking at, and defining, the Delta.


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