Managing Innovation and Change by Sven B Lundstedt; Thomas H Moss

Managing Innovation and Change
By:Sven B Lundstedt; Thomas H Moss

ISBN-10: 9401578370
ISBN-13: 9789401578370
Edition: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989
Release: November 29, 2012
Paperback: 228 pages

Book Description
Technological innovations, as well as the social innovations needed to provide adequate support systems for them, are among the important foundations for economic and industrial growth in the world today. Consequently, the discussions in this important volume of the emerg­ ing "sociotechnical" trends in various industries around the world are highly instructive and timely. We can learn much of value from oth­ ers around the world who are facing similar problems of economic and industrial development. Sociotechnical innovation requires a global set­ ting to be fully understood and appreciated because so much new eco­ nomic activity that serves the economy of the United States, as well as the economies of other countries, is found in other parts of the world including not only manufacturing innovations, but innovations in the service industries. For all of our economic self-interests, we need to view innovation globally. Sociotechnical innovation is linked with the successful development of cutting edge technologies, such as ultra large-scale integrated elec­ tronic systems, new larger computers, the "myria-process" systems in computing architecture that use thousands of processors, new biochem­ ical solutions in high-cost feedstock, applications of genetic engineer­ ing to crop improvement, and biotechnological improvements in the pharmaceutical industries. There are also developments in the materi­ als field: new fiber-reinforced plastics, rapid solidification technologies, new polymers and ceramics. And there are advances in air transport technologies that may replace current technologies [1].


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