Inside the Java Virtual Machine (Java Masters)
Author: Bill Venners
ISBN-10: 0079132480
ISBN-13: 9780079132482
Release: September 1, 1997
Paperback: 844 pages
List Price
Book Description
This text is designed to provide the guidance needed to write more effective code for Java programs and get maximum performance from Java applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains numerous code examples, as well as interactive illustrations. The appendices offer a complete reference to the JVM bytecodes.
My primary goal in writing this book was to explain the Java Virtual
Machine, and the software technologies upon which it is based, to Java
programmers. Although the Java Virtual Machine incorporates technologies
that had been tried and proven in other programming languages, prior to
Java many of these technologies had not yet entered into common use. As
a consequence, many programmers will be encountering these technologies
for the first time as they begin to program in Java. Garbage collection,
multi-threading, exception handling, dynamic extension--even the use of
a virtual machine itself--may be new to many programmers. The aim of this
book is to help programmers understand how all these things work, and in
the process, to help them become more adept with the Java programming
Another goal I had in mind as I wrote this book was to experiment a bit
with the changing nature of text. Web pages have three interesting
characteristics that differentiate them from paper-based text: theyíre
dynamic (they can evolve over time), theyíre interactive (especially if
you embed Java applets in them), and theyíre interconnected (you can
easily navigate from one to another). Besides the traditional text and
figures, this book includes several Java applets (in a mini-website on
the CD-ROM) that serve as "interactive illustrations" of the concepts
presented in the text. In addition, I maintain a website on the internet
that serves as a launching point for readers to find more (and more current)
information on the topics covered in the book. This book is composed of
all of these components: text, figures, interactive illustrations, and
constantly evolving links to further reading.
Bill Venners
Sunnyvale, California
August, 1997
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