Jurgen Moltmann's Ethics of Hope

Jurgen Moltmann's Ethics of Hope (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology, and Biblical Studies)

Author: Timothy Harvie
ISBN-10: 0754664813
ISBN-13: 9780754664819
Edition: New edition
Release: March 28, 2009
Hardcover: 238 pages
List Price

Book Description
This book develops a thorough account of the sphere of human moral action in sustained dialogue with Jurgen Moltmann. By examining God's role as promise-giver, particularly in the Christian understanding of resurrection, this work describes the occupancy of both history and space in moral terms. This leads to an understanding of Jesus' description of 'the kingdom of God' to feature prominently in describing both the possibility and content of human moral action. By offering an account of each of the main doctrines found in Moltmann's corpus - the role of the future, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and anthropology - this book locates how each contributes to the understanding of ethics from a Christian perspective and subsequently applies these findings to the contemporary issue of poverty and global economics.


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