

Author: J. Cuthbert Hadden
ISBN-10: 1904303145
ISBN-13: 9781904303145
Release: January 1, 2002
Hardcover: 186 pages
List Price99

Book Description
First appearing in 1903, this is perhaps the first truly well-balanced account of Chopin as a man and Chopin as a composer, in English. The author describes Chopin s life and activities from his early days in Warsaw to the days he spent in London, Paris, Vienna, and elsewhere. The author gives accounts of the enthusiasm with which Chopin s works were received, early reviews, Chopin s own reactions to the places he visited and the people he saw, and much more. Also included are numerous letters, a bibliography, a list of Chopin s published works (at the time of writing), and an index. Although there is no shortage of biographies of Chopin, the present book is written at a time of heightened interest, and is full of the vigour and passion which reveal a more honest perception of the effect the composer has on audiences worldwide, than many scholarly accounts do today. Certainly a must for the enthusiast of Chopin, and without doubt a great way for the newcomer to get to know the details about the man behind the music.


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