The Grand Scribe's Records: The Memoirs of Han China, Part I (Volume V)

The Grand Scribe's Records: The Memoirs of Han China, Part I (Volume V)

Authors: Ssu-ma Ch'ien
ISBN-10: 025334025X
ISBN-13: 9780253340252
Release: April 18, 2006
Hardcover: 552 pages
List Price

Book Description
With Part I of the two-part fifth volume of Ssu-ma Ch’ien’s Shi chi (The Grand Scribe’s Records), we enter the world of the shih chia or "hereditary houses." These ten chapters trace the history of China’s first states, from their establishment in the 11th century B.C. until their incorporation in the first empire under the Ch’in in 221 B.C. Combining myth, anecdote, chronicle, and biography based on early written and oral sources, many no longer extant, the narratives make for compelling reading, as dramatic and readable as any in this grand history.


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