100 Learning Games for Special Needs with Music, Movement, Sounds And..Silence
Author: Johanne Hanko
ISBN-10: 1849052476
ISBN-13: 9781849052474
Edition: 1
Release: September 15, 2011
Paperback: 128 pages
List Price
Book Description
Games and activities are a great way for children with special needs to learn important skills. This book provides inspiration and guidance for special education teachers, teaching assistants, parents and carers on how to use lively and engaging play ideas to foster learning and development. Targeting key skills including listening, self-awareness, movement, creative thinking and relaxation, each game has been developed with the capabilities of children with special needs in mind. The appropriate age group is clearly identified, and possible variations for different abilities are provided. All of the instructions are easy to follow and there are cheerful illustrations throughout. Using music, dance, art, word games and breathing exercises, this book is packed with creative and enjoyable games that make learning fun. This user-friendly activity book will be an ideal resource for use in special education schools, inclusive mainstream classrooms, day-care, residential and respite settings, or at home.
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