Wiley CIA Exam Review 2013, Internal Audit Practice (Part 2)
Author: S. Rao Vallabhaneni
ISBN-10: 1118120620
ISBN-13: 9781118120620
Edition: Part 2
Release: March 4, 2013
Paperback: 528 pages
Book Description
The most comprehensive Certified Internal Auditor Exam preparation guide available One exam, three volumes of preparation. Here is the best source to help you prepare for the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam covering the new syllabus, effective 2013. Wiley CIA Exam Review, Volume 2: Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement addresses topics such as internal audit function, individual audit engagements, and fraud risks and controls. Includes fully developed theories and concepts, as opposed to superficial outlines found in other study guides Offers indicators that help candidates allot study time based on the weight given to each topic on the exam Indicates the level of difficulty expected for each topic on the exam as either "Awareness" or "Proficiency" so more time and effort can be assigned for the proficiency topics than for the awareness topics Presents highly comprehensive coverage of theory with glossary of technical terms Every volume in the Wiley CIA Exam Review series offers a successful learning system of visual aids and memorization techniques that enable certification candidates to form long-lasting impressions of covered material.
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