OCR Text Processing (Business Professional): Text Production, Word Processing and Audio Transcription Level 1 book 1
Authors: Jill Downson - Beverley Loram - Jean Ray - Lesley Dakin - Pam Smith - Jane Quibell - Sylvi
ISBN-10: 1444107895
ISBN-13: 9781444107890
Release: February 26, 2010
Paperback: 224 pages
Book Description
OCR Text Processing (Business Professional) has been endorsed by OCR for use with the OCR Text Processing (Business Professional) 2008 specification and consists of a series of brand new textbooks covering all three levels of this popular qualification. Written by an expert team and edited by the chief examiner, this resource will consolidate all of the required knowledge and then allow a student to practise the skills that will ultimately be assessed. This preparation will be of great benefit to students and tutors. Audio files for the Audio Transcription section are provided on www.hodderplus.co.uk/ocrtextprocessing
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