Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW

Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW (Image Processing Series)

Author: Christopher G. Relf
ISBN-10: 0849314801
ISBN-13: 9780849314803
Edition: Har/Cdr
Release: July 28, 2003
Hardcover: 264 pages

Book Description
Image Acquisition and Processing With LabVIEWä combines the general theory of image acquisition and processing, the underpinnings of LabVIEW and the NI Vision toolkit, examples of their applications, and real-world case studies in a clear, systematic, and richly illustrated presentation. Designed for LabVIEW programmers, it fills a significant gap in the technical literature by providing a general training manual for those new to National Instruments (NI) Vision application development and a reference for more experienced vision programmers.A CD-ROM packaged with the book contains libraries of the example images and code referenced in the text, additional technical white papers, a demonstration version of LabVIEW 6.0, and an NI IMAQ demonstration that guides you through its features. System Requirements: Using the code provided on the CD-ROM requires LabVIEW 6.1 or higher and LabVIEW Vision Toolkit 6.1 or higher. Some of the examples also require IMAQ Vision Builder 6.1 or higher, the IMAQ OCR toolkit, and IMAQ 1394 drivers.


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