Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design

Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)

Editorial Reviews Review "Many times, network designers are tempted to find instant gratification by jumping directly into implementation without first fully understanding the scope of their problem. When this occurs, the result can be a network that does not function as needed, or even worse, the solution can create additional problems. Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design provides the reader with design methods they can use to avoid this and other common pitfalls. Jim McCabe takes the reader step-by-step through proven processes that will result in designs that are not only viable, but designs that will stand up to the scrutiny of technical and financial reviews. I have successfully applied these techniques to many of my projects, and I recommend this book to network designers and engineers of all levels."- Anthony Arviola, Network Engineer, NASA Langley Research Center

About the Author James D. McCabeis currently a network architect for NASA. McCabe's interest in network analysis and design dates from the late 1980s, when he first worked on designs for NASA's aerospace supercomputing networks. Subsequent designs for various commercial, government and academic networks led him to develop and publish the processes described in this book, which he also teaches to students at various corporations and conferences. McCabe holds a degree in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

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