Intelligent Coatings for Corrosion Control

Intelligent Coatings for Corrosion Control

ISBN-10: 0124114679
ISBN-13: 9780124114678
Edition: 1
Release: November 7, 2014
Hardcover: 746 pages

Book Description
Intelligent Coatings for Corrosion Control covers the most current and comprehensive information on the emerging field of intelligent coatings. The book begins with a fundamental discussion of corrosion and corrosion protection through coatings, setting the stage for deeper discussion of the various types of smart coatings currently in use and in development, outlining their methods of synthesis and characterization, and their applications in a variety of corrosion settings. Further chapters provide insight into the ongoing research, current trends, and technical challenges in this rapidly progressing field.Reviews fundamentals of corrosion and coatings for corrosion control before delving into a discussion of intelligent coatings-useful for researchers and grad students new to the subjectCovers the most current developments in intelligent coatings for corrosion control as presented by top researchers in the fieldIncludes many examples of current and potential applications of smart coatings to a variety of corrosion problems

Tags: Engineering-Transportation, Engineering, Materials-Material-Science, Metallurgy


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