Bifurcation Theory of Functional Differential Equations (Applied Mathematical Sciences)
Authors: Shangjiang Guo - Jianhong Wu
ISBN-10: 1461469910
ISBN-13: 9781461469919
Edition: 2013
Release: July 30, 2013
Hardcover: 289 pages
Book Description
This book provides a crash course on various methods from the bifurcation theory of Functional Differential Equations (FDEs). FDEs arise very naturally in economics, life sciences and engineering and the study of FDEs has been a major source of inspiration for advancement in nonlinear analysis and infinite dimensional dynamical systems. The book summarizes some practical and general approaches and frameworks for the investigation of bifurcation phenomena of FDEs depending on parameters with chap. This well illustrated book aims to be self contained so the readers will find in this book all relevant materials in bifurcation, dynamical systems with symmetry, functional differential equations, normal forms and center manifold reduction. This material was used in graduate courses on functional differential equations at Hunan University (China) and York University (Canada).
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