Sandplay and Storytelling: The Impact of Imaginative Thinking on Children's Learning and Development
Authors: Barbara A. Turner PhD - Kristin Unnsteinsdottir
ISBN-10: 0972851747
ISBN-13: 9780972851749
Release: January 1, 2012
Paperback: 266 pages
List Price
Book Description
Combining the fields of child psychology and child education, this groundbreaking work explores how engaging children in Jungian sandplay therapy and imaginative storytelling can improve classroom performance and to increase intelligence scores. Written by child specialists, it makes a solid argument for the necessary consideration of the unconscious and the inner world of the individual child in learning and advocates that curriculum design for children must include both imaginative therapeutic play and active attention to children’s emotional needs. Educators, psychotherapists, and concerned parents alike will find this book informative and useful.
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