Christianity Outside the Church: Pannenberg’s Public Theology in Dialogue with Max Stackhouse

Christianity Outside the Church: Pannenberg’s Public Theology in Dialogue with Max Stackhouse
by: Jae Yang (Author)
Publisher:Fortress Academic
Publication Date: 15 Feb. 2024
Print Length:222 pages

Book Description
Jae Yang develops a Pannenbergian public theology by correlating Pannenberg’s theological methods (postfoundational, eschatological, and trinitarian) with the aims and methods of public theology. He argues that Pannenberg’s public theology engages not just the academic world, but also the political, economic, familial, religious, and cultural ones.

About the Author
Review Christianity Outside the Church convincingly argues that Pannenberg's theology is a form of public theology. Approaching public theology from an Asian-American perspective while incorporating critiques of Whiteness and male privilege, Yang seamlessly combines academic rigor and conversational style. This book is a refreshing reading experience and a welcome addition to public theology scholarship.The genius and surplus of this tightly argued and lucid discussion is twofold. First, Dr. Yang helps us count the giant German theologian Pannenberg among the leading public theologians in the company of the American Stackhouse and many others. Second, the author buttresses his argument by critiquing and correcting the theological vision of these two White male theologians with the insights from various Asian-American perspectives. This monograph makes a unique contribution to the current enthusiastic embrace of the public sphere by theologians of various persuasions. It is recommended for both the specialists and the students.This book is a significant contribution to the discussion of the formation of public theology, demonstrated through critical and thorough examination of Pannenberg's public theology framed as trinitarian, postfoundational, and eschatological, in conversation with Max Stackhouse. The author's critique of contemporary public theology is particularly helpful: the heavy reliance on the Habermasian approach to the concept of the public sphere, the over-optimistic understanding of society by many public theologians, and the lack of feminist and non-Western theological perspectives. While public theology has been reshaping traditional theology and motivating engagement in the public sphere, it is also in need of strengthening its discourse by interaction with biblical and systematic theology, and this work is just doing that. This book is an important resource for those who wish to go deeper into systematic theology in general and public theology in particular.
About the Author Jae Yang is Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at Calvin University.


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