101 Things To Do with Spare Moments on the Wards

101 Things To Do with Spare Moments on the Ward

Authors: Dason Evans - Nakul Patel
ISBN-10: 1405159855
ISBN-13: 9781405159852
Edition: 1
Release: April 16, 2012
Paperback: 176 pages
List Price

Book Description
Here are 101* of the best ideas to make the most effective use of your time on the ward. Over 250 contributors, including students, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and therapists from 18 countries, help make you the finest doctor you can be! Pocket-sized for 'dipping into' during a spare moment or a couple of hours on the ward, this short guide is ideal for medical students on rotation or junior doctors who wish to boost learning and motivation. *There are actually 100 ideas. Now it's your turn to develop tip 101! Submit your ideas to www.101things.org


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