Research Methods in Psychology: A Handbook, Fourth Edition
Author: by Wendy A. Schweigert (Author)
Publisher: Waveland Press, Inc.
Edition: 4th
Publication Date: 2021-01-04
Language: English
Print Length: 386 pages
ISBN-10: 1478645253
ISBN-13: 9781478645252
Book Description
Research Methods in Psychology: A Handbook is a versatile guide that is ideal for any research-oriented psychology course. Schweigert's clear writing style and focus on the fundamentals of research methodology provide students with the exposure they need to conduct valid research. Explanations of basic statistical techniques are straightforward and illuminate the impact of the design process. Suitable as a primary text or as a supplement, the Fourth Edition features and defines commonly used research methods to engage students and give instructors the flexibility they require to meet the needs of their courses. It also:
• offers many notable features, such as learning goals, chapter outlines, highlighted important terms and concepts, and exercises (along with a selected set of answers);
• describes the important processes of preparing, conducting, and publishing the results of a research study;
• discusses how to perform thorough and beneficial literature and database searches online;
• teaches students to embrace the ethical collection and presentation of useful, accurate data in their research; and
• reviews basic guidelines on how to write and format research results in APA Style.
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