Shreds of Matter: Cormac McCarthy and the Concept of Nature (Re-Mapping the Transnational: A Dartmouth Series in American Studies)

Shreds of Matter: Cormac McCarthy and the Concept of Nature (Re-Mapping the Transnational: A Dartmouth Series in American Studies)
by: Julius Greve (Author)
Publisher:Dartmouth College Press
Publication Date: 13 Feb. 2019
Print Length:360 pages

Book Description
Shreds of Matter: Cormac McCarthy and the Concept of Nature offers a nuanced and innovative take on the writer’s ostensible localism and, along with it, the ecocentric perspective on the world that is assumed by most critics. In opposing the standard interpretations of McCarthy’s novels as critical either of persisting American ideologies―such as Manifest Destiny and imperialism―or of the ways in which humanity has laid waste to Earth, Greve instead emphasizes the author’s interest both in the history of science and in the mythographical developments of religious discourse. Greve aims to counter traditional interpretations of McCarthy’s work and at the same time to acknowledge their partial truth, taking into account the work of Friedrich W. J. Schelling and Lorenz Oken, contemporary speculative realism, and Bertrand Westphal’s geocriticism. Further, newly discovered archival material sheds light on McCarthy’s immersion in the metaphysical question par excellence: What is nature?

About the Author

About the Author JULIUS GREVE is a lecturer and research associate at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.


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