A Guide to Ancient Greek Literature, Language, Script, Imagination and Philosophy

A Guide to Ancient Greek Literature, Language, Script, Imagination and Philosophy
by: Frederic Will (Author)
Publisher:Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Publication Date: 9 July 2020
Print Length:169 pages

Book Description
This book is a chronological survey of the major writers (or reciters, or performers, or orators) of Ancient Greece. Part One considers the major genres of ancient Greek literature: epic, history, drama, satire, lyric, and philosophy. It profiles some of the key issues and authors of each period, characterizes the literature of each period, and sprinkles quotes through the whole. Part Two comprises fifteen short essays on aspects of ancient Greek culture, including language (script and dialects); folklore; music; dance; mythology; painting; theater; government; military structures; class structure; gender relations; innovations; trade; and science. Overall, the book will serve as both reference guide and launchpad for ongoing attention to our Hellenic heritage.

About the Author

About the Author Frederic Will is President of the Humanities Institute (humanitiesinstitute.org). The author of over 60 books, he has written extensively on Greco-Roman cultures. He was the co-founder, with William Arrowsmith, of the ground-breaking Classical journal Arion (1961–65), which in its time, at the University of Texas, was instrumental in waking the study of Classics from its mid-twentieth-century slumber and returning it to the life of America.


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