Make Your Home a Nature Reserve

Make Your Home a Nature Reserve
by: Donna Mullen (Author)
Publisher:O'Brien Press Ltd
Publication Date: 22 April 2024
Print Length:240 pages

Book Description
Insects, birds, bats, foxes, badgers, shrews… they’re all valuable parts of our natural world, the world that we’re just another part of. All of these beautiful and fascinating creatures need somewhere to live, as their own natural habitats are put under more and more pressure.Learn how to make your space – from a windowbox to a suburban garden to a farm – inviting to nature. How to build a pond, make places for bats to roost and hedgehogs to ramble. And learn all about Ireland’s wildlife, from plants to the smallest bugs to large mammals.

About the Author
Review Nothing says spring like finding new ways to embrace the natural creatures we see around us. From insects to birds, foxes and shrews, these are just some who need somewhere to live as their own natural habitats become more endangered. In Donna Mullens gorgeous Make Your Home a Nature Reserve, you’ll learn how to make your space - from a window box to a suburban garden to a farm inviting to nature -- Image MagazineThink globally, act locally: what a fine, useful and grown-up way to face environmental problems and challenges head-on, without getting overwhelmed. Donna Mullen gets it, as does her book Make Your Home a Nature Reserve. An issue such as climate change or mass pollution, she writes, can feel “so huge, it makes us want to run away screaming, ‘we’re all going to die!’ or stick our heads in the sand and hope the problem somehow sorts itself out. It won’t.” Indeed it won’t, which is why we need people like this … the key point here is: anyone can do this, on some level – and every level, no matter how small, matters. We can all make a difference in protecting biodiversity, creating a cleaner environment and basically making this planet a little nicer for the billions of plants and animals we share it with, starting with your own garden and area … There’s no preaching in Make Your Home a Nature Reserve, no grandiose proclamations of the sort you get from those public figures and institutions who jump on the green bandwagon to further their own agenda. Just a full serving of tips, suggestions, solutions and words of advice that are helpful, practical and –probably most important of all – achievable, in welcoming wildlife and ensuring they (to quote Star Trek) “live long and prosper”. Mullen is cheerful, enthusiastic, encouraging – and very thorough. Her book takes, quite literally, a bottom-up approach, explaining what lives in our soil, why these creatures are so important and how we can avoid harming them. From there she works through large and small mammals, birds of all shapes and sizes, insects and plants, explaining their life cycles, what they need to thrive, what they do for us and what we can do for them. The book is peppered with great little “I didn’t know that” titbits of information – foxes eat peanuts; mustard is good for weed and pest control – and, with its cute cartoon drawings, fun quiz and very informative yearplanner, this will appeal to kids just as much as grown-ups’ -- Sunday Independent
About the Author Donna Mullen has worked as an ecologist for over thirty years and is a founding member of Bat Conservation Ireland and the Irish Environmental Network. She met her husband at a bat group meeting, and together they bought a farm in Meath and turned it into Golashane Nature Reserve. The reserve, home to several people and hundreds of plants, birds, mammals, insects and amphibians, has won several awards, including an EU Rural Inspiration award. Every week someone arrives at the door to ask how to create a nature reserve in their own home.Eoin O’Brien is a songwriter and musician, a writer and illustrator. He enjoys nothing more than a good old singsong around a kitchen table or a bonfire. He lives with his fantastic wife, two beautiful children and a dog, in historic Glasnevin in north Dublin.


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