Murachs Android Programming

Murachs Android Programming
by: Joel Murach (Author)
Publisher:Murach (Mike) & Associates Inc (US)
Publication Date: 1 Dec. 2015
Print Length:702 pages

Book Description
This book teaches anyone with a basic understanding of Java how to develop Android apps at a professional level, using Android Studio. To start, it shows how to use Android Studio to code, test, and debug a Tip Calculator app for a smartphone or tablet. Then, it expands upon this app to show must-have Android skills such as working with layouts, widgets, events, themes, styles, menus, preferences, and fragments. Next, this book presents two more apps that illustrate Android skills You will use every day, such as working with threads, files, adapters, intents, services, notifications, broadcast receivers, SQLite databases, content providers, and app widgets. Finally, this book presents an app that uses the Google Maps API and shows you how to submit your finished apps to the Google Play store. The real-world apps let you see how the skills you are learning work together, and they illustrate how and when you'd use each skill. And all the content is presented in Murach distinctive paired-pages style that developers find so clear and time-saving for both training and reference.

About the Author
Review "I like the fact that the book approaches the subject by using example apps as the theme of study, and working through the skills incrementally from easy to difficult. These case-study apps are complete apps by themselves and are worthy of being in the Android app stores." Jason Ong, ASP.NET World
About the Author Joel Murach is the oldest son of publishing pioneer Mike Murach. Joel has been writing and editing books about computer programming for over 20 years now. During that time, he has written extensively on a wide range of Java, .NET, web, and database technologies. He has had best-selling books in all of those categories! In his books, you can see his clear approach to teaching any subject.


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