No more to diabetes: reversing and prevention diabetes naturally

No more to diabetes: reversing and prevention diabetes naturally
Author: by Samuel Greenberg (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
Publication Date: 2024-01-12
Language: English

Book Description
What is inside the book?
With the help of this book, you will be able to reverse diabetes, cure your body of this disease, and return to a normal, healthy life. It describes ancient Eastern practices that have been tested and proven to be highly effective in relieving symptoms, lowering sugar levels, and treating type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The main components of diabetes treatment are based on traditional yoga practices, including pranayama breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques, a special diet for weight loss, and an active lifestyle. Only a comprehensive approach that includes all of the above components will significantly reduce blood sugar levels, minimize the dosage of prescribed medications, relieve symptoms and cure diabetes, reversing the disease. With more than 100 illustrations, the book describes in detail all the exercises, techniques, foods, and physical activities that should be done daily for complete recovery.
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