Painting Sunlight and Shadow with Pastels: Essential Techniques for Brilliant Effects
by: Maggie Price (Author)
Publication Date: 26 April 2011
Print Length:128 pages
Book Description
Infuse your paintings with light and life! Whether you work outdoors or indoors, understanding the effects of light and shadow is key to making your art lifelike and engaging. Rather than providing a one-size-fits-all recipe for painting light, this book shows you how to capture the particular ambient qualities of any scene before you, be it a gloriously clear morning, a rainy afternoon, or the joyful dance of sunlight on water. • Master pastel artist Maggie Price shares techniques for painting beautiful light, rich shadows and convincing reflections. • 10 step-by-step demonstrations tackle a diversity of lighting situations, encompassing various weather conditions and times of day. • Five contributing artists explore different styles, approaches and subjects, including landscapes, water scenes and people. • Concepts are demonstrated with pastel but are applicable to any medium. An illuminating read for beginning and experienced artists alike, this book will help you engage your viewer by achieving that captivating sense of "being there."
About the Author
About the Author Maggie Price is a co-founder, former editor and current contributor for The Pastel Journal; the president of the International Association of Pastel Societies; and she has written numerous articles for other magazines, including The Artist's Magazine.
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