Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media

Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media
by: Nizar Zouidi (Editor)
Publisher:Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Date: 25 July 2021
Print Length:557 pages

Book Description
Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media studies the performative nature of evil characters, acts and emotions across intersecting genres, disciplines and historical eras. This collection brings together scholars and artists with different institutional standings, cultural backgrounds and (inter)disciplinary interests with the aim of energizing the ongoing discussion of the generic and thematic issues related to the representation of villainy and evil in literature and media. The volume covers medieval literature to contemporary literature and also examines important aspects of evil in literature such as social and political identity, the gothic and systemic evil practices. In addition to literature, the book considers examples of villainy in film, TV and media, revealing that performance, performative control and maneuverability are the common characteristics of villains across the different literary and filmic genres and eras studied in the volume.

About the Author
Review “This is a wide-ranging and innovative exploration of villainy that will be of interest to scholars of early modern drama, contemporary film and literature and everything in between.” (Kevin Corstorphine, Lecturer in American Literature, University of Hull, UK)
From the Back Cover Performativity of Villainy and Evil in Anglophone Literature and Media studies the performative nature of evil characters, acts and emotions across intersecting genres, disciplines and historical eras. This collection brings together scholars and artists with different institutional standings, cultural backgrounds and (inter)disciplinary interests with the aim of energizing the ongoing discussion of the generic and thematic issues related to the representation of villainy and evil in literature and media. The volume covers medieval literature to contemporary literature and also examines important aspects of evil in literature such as social and political identity, the gothic and systemic evil practices. In addition to literature, the book considers examples of villainy in film, TV and media, revealing that performance, performative control and maneuverability are the common characteristics of villains across the different literary and filmic genres and eras studied in the volume.
About the Author Nizar Zouidi is Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Hail, Saudi Arabia, and at the University of Gafsa, Tunisia. Zouidi is the author of a number of book chapters and journal articles about the representations of evil in early modern drama.


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