Dancing Age(ing): Rethinking Age(ing) in and through Improvisation Practice and Performance (Culture & Theory)
by: Susanne Martin (Author)
Publisher:transcript publishing
Publication Date: September 26, 2017
Print Length:192 pages
Book Description
How can contemporary dance contribute to a critical discourse on age and ageing? Built on the premise that age(ing) is something we practice and perform as individuals and as a society, Susanne Martin asks for and develops strategies that allow dance artists to do age(ing) differently. As a whole, this project is an artistic research inquiry, which draws on and contributes to dance practice. The study develops, discusses, and stages practices and performances of age(ing) that offer alternatives to stereotypical and normative age(ing) narratives, which are not only part of dance but also of everyday culture.
About the Author
How can contemporary dance contribute to a critical discourse on age and ageing? Built on the premise that age(ing) is something we practice and perform as individuals and as a society, Susanne Martin asks for and develops strategies that allow dance artists to do age(ing) differently. As a whole, this project is an artistic research inquiry, which draws on and contributes to dance practice. The study develops, discusses, and stages practices and performances of age(ing) that offer alternatives to stereotypical and normative age(ing) narratives, which are not only part of dance but also of everyday culture.
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