The Bodies We Are (Not): A Choreographic Research on Practicing Self-Distancing (Critical Dance Studies)
by: Antje Velsinger (Author)
Publisher:transcript publishing
Publication Date: April 23, 2024
Print Length:208 pages
Book Description
In Western neo-liberal society, the human body is increasingly used as an »identity project« and »designable object«. Antje Velsinger investigates these specific roles of the body and develops choreographic strategies for becoming unfamiliar to the own self and play as two means for emancipating the body from the neo-liberal imperative of optimization and control. Theoretical and practical artistic perspectives are in constant dialogue throughout this study. It uses the choreographic field as a gray area between theory and practice to imagine, propose, and rehearse an alternative approach to the body.
About the Author
In Western neo-liberal society, the human body is increasingly used as an »identity project« and »designable object«. Antje Velsinger investigates these specific roles of the body and develops choreographic strategies for becoming unfamiliar to the own self and play as two means for emancipating the body from the neo-liberal imperative of optimization and control. Theoretical and practical artistic perspectives are in constant dialogue throughout this study. It uses the choreographic field as a gray area between theory and practice to imagine, propose, and rehearse an alternative approach to the body.
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