Bringing Forth the New: Visual Art and the World of Contemporary China

Bringing Forth the New: Visual Art and the World of Contemporary China
by: Michael Maizels (Author)
Publisher:Bloomsbury Academic
Publication Date: 2 Nov. 2023
Print Length:192 pages

Book Description
Bringing Forth the New provides a headlong introduction into the world of Chinese contemporary visual art, opening from the art world onto the political, technological and economic vectors of recent Chinese history. Each chapter reads an important facet of recent Chinese history through the work of a significant artist. From examining trade war and intellectual property through the work of political pop painters such as Yu Youhan, to the development of gendered constructs in China through the work of Cui Xuiwen.

About the Author
Review "In a series of dazzling close readings, Bringing Forth The New offers a non-stop stream of brilliant insights and historical elaborations. It is comparative scholarship of the best kind-moving with grace and trenchant analysis across vast realms of visual experience. Forging connections at every turn, Maizels turns what might at first seem like an arbitrary series of visual examples into an impressive dance of analytic virtuosity, articulating the complexities of "East" and "West" as remediated in Chinese art during the past several decades. No matter where one is situated in relation to its many themes, one will inevitably learn a great deal from this book." --R. John Williams, Yale University, USA
About the Author Michael Maizels is a poly-disciplinary researcher working at the intersection of creativity, technology and economics. He is currently an affiliated researcher at the metaLAB, an idea foundry, knowledge-design lab, andproduction studio at Harvard University, USA.


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