Conversations in Cultural and Religious Theory Conversations in Cultural and Religious Theory

Conversations in Cultural and Religious Theory
Author: by Victor E Taylor (Author)
Publisher: The Davies Group, Publishers
Publication Date: 2013-09-20
Language: English
Print Length: 314 pages
ISBN-10: 1934542431
ISBN-13: 9781934542439

Book Description
The field of cultural and religious theory expanded dramatically in the first decade of the twenty-first century, opening new dynamic spaces for interdisciplinary inquiry. In this volume, which is a collection of interviews from the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, major contemporary theorists, philosophers, and theologians such as Slavoj Žižek, Jean-Luc Marion, Avital Ronell, Richard Kearney, John D. Caputo, Carl A, Raschke, Thomas J.J. Altizer, and Mark C. Taylor provide detailed analyses of critical issues in cultural and religious studies. Conversation topics are timely and far-ranging, from the history of religious theory in the postmodern era to the role of religious and cultural theory in addressing political, social, and artistic movements. In addition, the collected major figures discuss and reflect on their past contributions to the study of religion and culture and provide previews of their on-going scholarly projects and intellectual concerns Amazon page


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