You Are Safe Now: A Survivor’s Guide to Listening to Your Gut, Healing from Abuse, and Living in Freedom
by: Tricia Lott Williford (Author)
Publisher: Navpress Pub Group
Publication Date: 23 April 2024
Language: English
Print Length: 224 pages
ISBN-10: 1641582804
ISBN-13: 9781641582803
Book Description
“I didn’t know I was being manipulated. I didn’t know the signs.” “I didn’t know the cycle of abuse, or that it’s normal to feel guilt for something that’s not your fault, to have complex emotions about your abuser as you heal. I learned that I could set boundaries, choose not to reconcile, and still pursue the internal freedom of forgiveness.” – Tricia Lott WillifordA seasoned author and masterful storyteller, Tricia Lott Williford encountered the public trauma of the death of her husband, but she held quietly the private trauma that happened at the same time: grooming, manipulation, sexual abuse, and spiritual abuse by a person of trust. Tricia and her therapist, Jana Richardson, LPC, have written a resource to help others recognize the veiled dynamics of abuse, where it starts, how it escalates, and how survivors can break free and find freedom. Peer-reviewed by mental health therapists, You Are Safe Now offers a survivor’s firsthand story of abuse in the church includingan explanation of the nature of abusers and their common tactics;compassionate, nuanced discussion of trauma responses;research, examples, and statistics to identify abusive dynamics, predation, grooming, and psychological manipulation; andpractical tools and resources to facilitate recovery.For survivors of abuse, counselors, therapists, pastors who treat survivors, and those who support survivors in their healing, You Are Safe Now is an indispensable resource.
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