Rulers of the Horoscope: Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth

Rulers of the Horoscope: Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth
by: Alan Oken (Author)
Publisher: Ibis Press
Publication Date: 23 Oct. 2008
Language: English
Print Length: 317 pages
ISBN-10: 0892541350
ISBN-13: 9780892541355

Book Description
A practical and thorough treatment on the meanings of all aspects of planetary and house rulerships, RULERS OF THE HOROSCOPE is the definitive sourcebook on this topic. Alan Oken masterfully guides you through the labyrinth of delineating and synthesising the complex interchange between rulers of houses and their signs and the nature of the houses they occupy and rule. He defines and describes derivative houses, planetary and house rulerships, dispositorships, mutual reception and the compatibility and nature of importance of their placement in the horoscope. The astrological charts of well-known people are illustrated with detailed descriptions of planetary relationships, their positive and negative aspects and the traditional and modern interpretation of the houses. Alan Oken's in-depth exploration of the ruler for each of the twelve houses and the rulers of the rising sign is an invaluable tool for astrology students and teachers alike.

About the Author

About the Author Alan Oken has written several bestsellers, including Alan Oken's Complete Astrology, Soul-Centered Astrology, and Rulers of the Horoscope. An internationally known lecturer and teacher, he speaks and writes in six languages and has taught in over 30 countries. He has an active astrological consulting practice and a significant web presence. He is the founder and director of the Wisdom School. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Rulers of the HoroscopeBy Alan OkenNicolas Hays, Inc.Copyright © 2000 Alan OkenAll rights reserved.ISBN: 978-0-89254-135-5ContentsList of Example HoroscopesAcknowledgmentsForewordIntroductionChapter 1: Peeling the OnionChapter 2: Planetary Dispositorship Defined—Chapter 3: House Dispositorship and Planetary RulersChapter 4: The Ruler of the Horoscope and Its DispositorChapter 5: The Ruler of the Horoscope and Its AspectsChapter 6: Summary of Rulership and Planetary CompatibilitiesChapter 7: The Placement of the Rulers in the Astrological HousesRecommended Reading ListIndex CHAPTER 1Peeling the OnionIt is vitally important that the student come to experience the planets, signs,houses, and aspects of the horoscope as fields of energy. The entire scope ofastrological literature is devoted to giving verbal definitions to the energy oflife and its myriad interconnections and possibilities of manifestation. Thepresent work is no exception. Any astrological author strives to define suchfactors with exactitude, precision, and perception. In this respect let uselaborate a bit upon the seven major modes of expression through which theastrological energies unfold their meanings in the natal chart. Once theseprimary factors are reviewed, summarized, and explored, we shall devote the restof this book to an eighth factor, the primary subject of this work, thedispositors and hidden rulers of the chart. The reader will see from thisdiscussion that the powers and values of dispositorship are like a needle whosethread weaves the entire chart into one integrated and comprehensive entity.The PlanetsThe planets reveal the "whats" of the horoscope—what energy is at work? All theplanets reflect the light of the Sun, the principle of vitality in the natalchart. The Sun is to the horoscope what the King is to a game of chess. The Sunhas little movement of its own (it is, after all, a fixed star), but without itspresence, there is no energy at all, no chess game to be played, no horoscope tobe lived. Thus, in traditional, personality-centered exoteric astrology, the Sunis the center around which the entirety of the chart unfolds. A weakened Sun, asolar force that is debilitated by other planetary powers (especially Saturn,Pluto, or Neptune), cannot energize in any consistent and positive way thecondition of the other planets whose "light" is, after all, reflected solarlight.The planets however, are the most important features in the natal horoscope.They represent the primary differentiation of the radiation of the solar lifeforce and therefore are the expressions of the prismatic effect of the Sun'srays manifesting through the solar system, giving color, form, conditions, andshades of meaning to the purpose of the nativity. Although the planets havetheir own natures and their particular effects upon one's life, they are held inplace by the play of solar gravity upon their own orbital speeds. This physicalphenomenon has a metaphysical counterpart. It reveals that the Sun, as symbol ofthe Creator, dominates its creations but is ever interacting with them andaffected by them. The planets do have a life of their own, and express their ownenergy fields and destinies, but all of this is totally reliant upon the abilityof the Sun to emanate the central point of life-giving light-substance. It istrue that if there is a Mars/Sun aspect in the natal chart, for example, bothbodies will affect each other. In this case, the Sun definitely furtherenergizes Mars for good or ill according to the nature of that aspect (square,trine, sextile, etc.). Mars, however, returns the favor by adding a quality ofassertiveness and aggression to the principle of solar vitality, which thenradiates out and integrates with all of the other planets in the chart. Inessence, all the members of the planetary family in the solar system will betouched by the energy of Mars through its direct contact with the Sun.The SignsThe signs reveal the "hows" of the horoscope—how are the energies of the planetsmanifesting? The signs definitely have their own energy, but it is an energy ofform rather than of essence. It is an energy which shapes and molds rather thancreates and projects. The planets impregnate the signs with the essence of theirvitality and express their nature through the form-giving dynamics of the signsin which they are placed. Venus, for example, is always seeking partnership andcomplementation. In the sign Taurus, she will bring into one's life relationshipissues that involve money, substance, and tests of true human values, i.e., theforms of Taurean expression. But when placed in the sign of Aquarius, forexample, Venus' urge to merge tends to be much more idealistic and impersonal inher approach to others, and far less materialistic and personal than when in thesign of the Bull.The Sun's sign always has to be considered when attempting to integrate theother planets and their respective zodiacal functions. If the Sun is in Pisces,the unfolding of one's creative vitality and the expression of one's destiny isfocused through an energy field that seeks universality, lack of confinement,and sensual expression. The solar force situated in Capricorn, on the otherhand, indicates an individual who yearns to create predictability, solidity,stature, and structure. If Jupiter were in Sagittarius in a Pisces or aCapricorn chart, its outgoing and expansive nature would remain the same, butits expression would work out quite differently. It is true that in the examplejust given, Jupiter in its own sign will remain constant in its urge for higherknowledge and an understanding of the underlying laws and principles of life.But the Sun in Pisces person would tend to use the energy of Jupiter inSagittarius to further his own solar urges for spiritual, sensual, orideological freedom, while the Sun in Capricorn individual would tend to utilizethis planet/sign combination to widen her influence in the world and use herknowledge to anchor a more expanded base for her social position.The HousesThe astrological houses show the "where's" of the chart—where are the energiesof the planet/sign combinations manifesting with their greatest strengths orweaknesses? The houses are the most physical indicators in the chart. Theyreveal "place." No matter which of the many house systems the astrologer choosesto construct the chart, all secondary house techniques are based on two primaryaxes: the Midheaven/ Nadir (or IC) and the Ascendant/ Descendant. The formerreveals the relationship of the individual when standing up and the latter whenhe or she is lying down. Thus, the Midheaven is connected to the point in theheavens (i.e., the degree of the zodiac) that is the highest point along thezodiac at the time of birth; while the Ascendant shows the degree of the zodiacthat is on the eastern horizon at the place of birth. From those angles, therest of the houses define the individual relative to his or her world not onlyin a more subjective, personal sense (through the affairs and psychologicalconditions described by the houses below the horizon), but also in a moreobjective, collective sense (through the circumstances and social encountersdelineated by the houses above the horizon).The nature and function of dispositorship and the hidden rulers of the chartmake it essential that the astrologer keep the "natural" chart in mind whenexamining the natal chart. The natural horoscope always has Aries on theAscendant and all the other signs are in the order of the "natural houses," thatis, Taurus on the Second, Gemini on the Third, and so on through Pisces on theTwelfth House. There is always an interplay between the natural and the natalplanetary rulers of the signs on the house cusps of the horoscope, and thisinterplay is a major factor in a more comprehensive understanding of theimplications of the chart.This point is more fully elaborated in Chapter 3. However, as an example, let ussay that Capricorn is the sign on the cusp of the Fourth House in the natalchart at birth. This is the natural house of Cancer and its ruler, the Moon.Both of these symbols, Moon and Cancer, will always affect the nature of thishouse and the outcome of its effects on one's life. When examining the natalFourth House, the astrologer has to take Saturn into consideration, as he is theruler of Capricorn. But it is also equally important to study the position ofthe Moon (by sign, house, and aspect) and the relationship between Saturn (natalruler) and the Moon (natural ruler) in order to obtain a deeper perception intothe effects of the Fourth house in the natus. Planets will always be stronger(for good or ill) when they are in their natural and/or natal house or when thenatural/natal planetary rulers are in major aspect with one another. Thus, inthe example cited above, it is especially favorable if Capricorn is on the cuspof the Fourth House and the Moon is trine Saturn. But should Saturn square theMoon, look for a definite increase in the challenges associated with the FourthHouse in terms of the nature, events, and people associated with this house.The AspectsThe planetary aspects reveal the "ways" of the chart. They show the energeticpathways of the interconnecting links between the planets. The aspectsthemselves are energy fields, defined by their geometric nature. Thus, what arecalled the "easy aspects" (30°, 60°, 72°, and 120°), generally but not always,facilitate the combination of planetary forces. The so-called "hard aspects"(45°, 90°, 135°, 150°, and 180°) often put stumbling blocks along the path. Themost intense aspect of all, the conjunction (+/- 0° to 8° between planets) isquite complex in nature. Called a "variable" aspect, it requires an intimateknowledge of planetary powers (and their various mutations through the signs) inorder to determine if a particular conjunction will be "easy" or "hard." Theeffects of primary and secondary dispositorship upon the aspects is fundamentalto their total understanding. As Chapters 3, 4, and 5 reveal, it is reallyimpossible to perceive the full effects of these geometric relationships withoutan examination of the factors of planetary rulership.The Qualities—Cardinal, Fixed, and MutableThe three qualities define and express the motion, rhythm, and movement of theenergy fields of the signs. The effect of a planet upon the natal chart isstrongly conditioned by the quality of its placement. You cannot say that aplanet is cardinal, fixed, or mutable, but some planets are able to expresstheir true nature more easily in one of these fields than in the others (see theSummary at the end of this chapter). Other planets are comfortable in two ofthese modalities, and others in all three of the qualities. Jupiter is expansiveand excessive by nature. He is much more "at home" in the mutable signs ofexploration and movement than he is in a fixed sign wherein the naturalperimeters of fixity serve to restrict and limit Jupiter's need for a lifewithout boundaries.It might be helpful to use the wheel as a metaphor for the essential meaning ofthe three qualities of sign energies.• The rim of the wheel represents the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, andCapricorn), as it is the outer ring which pushes a cart forward on the road oflife.• The hub of the wheel represents the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, andAquarius), as it holds the entire structure of the wheel together, giving it acentral point of power.• The spokes of the wheel are represented by the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo,Sagittarius, and Pisces), as they endow the wheel with space, radiation, anddimensionality of expression.The Elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and WaterThe elements define and reveal four additional major principles ofmanifestation. They speak about texture, focus, and the primary expressioncontained within the essential nature of the signs. In essence, fire will addvitality and creative impulse, earth will give stability and the urge forphysical manifestation, air will endow communication and intelligence, whilewater contributes sensitivity and resourcefulness. Each of the elementsconditions and modifies the natural energetic dynamics of the planets. Theresults can heighten a planet's potency or debilitate its effectiveness. Thehidden ruler or dispositor of any planet in any element, however, may weaken anotherwise seemingly powerful influence or restore the planet's energy to a moreharmonious level.Let us say that the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Taurus in a natal chart;and we shall place Venus and Mercury in Pisces as well and give this individuala sweet Cancer Ascendant. But what is this looming force coming up red andvibrant? It is Mars in Aries, all bright and glorious, having one helluva greattime for himself Mars loves his fiery cardinality, but what may be happy for aplanet may not be happy for you. And what of our gentle Pisces/ Taurus/Cancerfriend? Mars in this case would tend to be a very disruptive force in thatotherwise kindly, nurturing, and receptive individual. Yes, I know that manyastrology students would think that a naturally passive Pisces/Taurus/Cancerperson needs Mars in Aries to give him a little spark and spunk. Although thismay indeed be true, to that otherwise docile individual, Mars in Aries may behaving a very pugnacious party at the expense of the rest of the chart. Theelement (fire, earth, air, and water) of planetary placement needs to be fullyconsidered in order to determine the degree of a planet's strength or weaknessby sign.Gender—Male or FemaleThe gender of a sign reveals its polarity. The male are the fire and air signs(Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius). When planets are placedin any of these six designations, the tendency is for them to be outgoing,assertive, and electrical in nature. When they are placed in the six earth andwater female signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces), theplanets tend to be receptive and magnetic in their expression. The Sun, forexample, is most "at home" in the male signs, except in Aquarius, when its raysmay become too diffused. Yet when an Aquarian learns how to direct his or herpersonal, individualized, creative will within a larger social context, the Sunwill thrive in the Waterman's domain. The Moon can generally provide more of hernurturing, supportive qualities when in the female signs, except for Scorpio,which indicates the need to release and transform certain patterns of emotionalself-expression that inhibit caring and the right use of personal resources. Butonce the more selfish and possessive dynamics of Scorpio have been trulytransmuted, the Moon in this position becomes quite a potent vehicle for healingand restored abundance.Summary of Planetary Strengths and WeaknessesSun: The nature of the Sun is strongest in the cardinal and fixed fire signs(Aries and Leo), weakest when in the water and the mutable signs. It is strongerin Capricorn than either Taurus or Virgo, stronger in Sagittarius than inGemini. It is also not particularly potent in either Libra or Aquarius. The Sunshines brightest in the First, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh houses, anddimmest in the Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Twelfth houses. TheSecond House placement of the Sun is rather neutral, tending to be more positivethan otherwise.Moon: The Moon is strongest in the earth, female, fixed sign of Taurus and thewater, female, cardinal sign of Cancer. She is also very potent in Pisces. Sheis weakest in all the male signs, especially in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius,and Aquarius. She does not do well in Capricorn, and is really tested inScorpio. The Moon can also be quite happy in Virgo and Libra, but only if thework area provides economic security and emotional satisfaction in the case ofthe former and when relationship dynamics are fulfilling in the case of thelatter. The Moon is at her most potent when in the Second and Fourth houses,weakest in the First and Tenth, neutral to strong when placed in the Fifth,Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh, and neutral to weak in the Third and Sixth.Mercury: Mercury is strongest in his own signs, Gemini and Virgo, but does verywell in Aquarius, Capricorn, and Aries. He is very adaptable, but tends to workbetter in the mutable and cardinal signs rather than in the fixed. He likes allthe elements except for water. Mercury tends to be weakest in Pisces,Sagittarius, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Libra, and Leo. Mercury likes being in theFirst, Third, Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, and Eleventh houses. He is least potent inthe Twelfth, Fourth, Seventh, and Eighth (in that order), but can do quite well(depending on the sign) in the Second.Venus: Venus is at her best when in Taurus and Libra and also shines brightly inCancer and Pisces. She can be quite financially beneficial when well-aspected inCapricorn, and very artistically expressive in Leo. She is out of favor inAries, Virgo, and Scorpio, and to a somewhat lesser extent in Gemini, Aquarius,and Sagittarius. Venus is content in all of the elements except fire and seemsto work well in all three of the sign qualities. Venus is very at home in theSecond, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, and Tenth houses and to a somewhat lesser extentin the Twelfth (where she loses her sense of structure and boundaries—althoughfor those on a more spiritual path in life, this is exactly what needs tohappen!). In actuality, she can do well in any of the houses, but the latter areher favorites. (Continues...)Excerpted from Rulers of the Horoscope by Alan Oken. Copyright © 2000 Alan Oken. Excerpted by permission of Nicolas Hays, Inc.. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.


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